Australia: A Great Place for a Rewarding Medical Career

Australia is a country that consistently ranks among the world’s best places to live. With its great quality of life, world-class healthcare and strong economic growth, it is no surprise that it is also a fantastic place to enjoy a rewarding medical career. Here are some of the reasons why we think Australia is a…

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Are you CPD Home ready for 1 January 2024?

Continuing professional development (CPD) for medical professionals is changing.  From January 2024, all doctors registered with AHPRA, with a few notable exceptions, will no longer be able to self-manage their CPD and must join an AMC-accredited ‘CPD Home’. With this in mind, our friends at Osler have developed a high-quality customer-centric portfolio to help you…

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We are delighted to announce that our new website is now LIVE! After months of hard work and dedication, we are excited to officially announce the launch of our website! Come check us out at Our website has been designed with YOU in mind which is aligned with our person-centred recruitment philosophy. Our website provides…

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How healthy is your work-life balance?

Work-life balance is an equilibrium between work, family and personal commitments, and it is unique to all of us. It is the division of time and energy between the important aspects of our life that allows us to lead a healthy, happy and fulfilled life. Creating a balance between work and life sounds simple in…

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No Regrets – What’s your motto?

The team at Elective Recruitment have committed to a ‘year of no fear’ in the first 12 months as a start-up! That means embracing change, seeking out new relationships and stepping outside of our comfort zone to chase our professional and personal goals. We challenge you to do the same, are you up for it?!…

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