1. Privacy Policy
1.1. References to “we”, “our”, “us” and “Elective Recruitment” means Elective Healthcare Recruitment Pty Limited A.C.N. 634203 820 and including its employees, contractors, agents and assigns.
1.2. Elective Recruitment is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. We comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles as set out in the Privacy Act.
1.3. This Privacy Policy sets out the basis on which any personal information we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be managed by us.
1.4. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. When you provide personal information to us you will be deemed to have read and understood this Privacy Policy.
2. Elective Recruitment
2.1. Elective Recruitment carries out business as a recruitment agency. Our role is to assist a business (“Client”) to place/employ a candidate (“Candidate”), being somebody who we have identified as potentially being suitable for the role (referred to collectively as our “Services”).
2.2. In the course of carrying out the Services we may obtain a reference check from a person known to the Candidate (“Referee”).
3. Collection of Information
3.1. We collect personal information as reasonably necessary to enable us to carry out the Services, and to enable us to comply with legal requirements.
3.2. We may also collect sensitive information for the purposes referred to in paragraph 3.3 below. Sensitive information will only be collected with your consent and where it is necessary as relating to a genuine occupational requirement or an inherent requirement of the role/work being considered. All such sensitive information will be managed in accordance with the Privacy Act and this Privacy Policy.
3.3. We may collect personal and/or sensitive information (collectively referred to as “personal information”) from you for the following purposes;
a) If you are a Client: for the purpose of providing the Services, including but not limited to client and business relationship management, work placement operations, recruitment functions, training needs assessments, risk management, work health and safety operations, statistical purposes and statutory compliance requirements, sponsorship applications, District of Workforce Shortage (DWS) and Distribution Priority Area (DPA) applications and Area of Need (AON) applications.
b) If you are a Candidate: for the purpose of providing the Services, including but not limited to verifying your identity, work placement operations, recruitment functions, staff management, payment purposes, training needs assessments, risk management, work health and safety operations, and statistical purposes and statutory compliance requirements.
c) If you are a Referee: for the purpose of providing the Services, including but not limited to confirming identity and authority to provide references, candidate suitability assessment, recruitment functions and risk management.
3.4. We may collect personal information from you in the following different ways;
a) If you are a Client: when you provide that information to us for business or business related social purposes, or electronically through our telecommunications and technology systems.
b) If you are a Candidate: directly when you fill out and submit one of our application forms or provide any other information to us in connection with an application for work. Information may also be collected electronically through our telecommunications and technology systems; and in circumstances where we give or receive any reference about you, we receive results of inquiries that we make of former employers, colleagues, professional association or registration body, we receive results of any competency, psychometric or medical test, we receive performance feedback (positive or negative), we receive any complaint from or about you in the workplace, we receive any information about a workplace accident in which you are involved, or we receive information about any insurance investigation, litigation, registration or professional disciplinary matter, criminal matter, inquest or inquiry in which you are involved.
c) If you are a Referee: when you provide that information to us in the course of our checking Candidate references with you and when we are checking information that we obtain from you about Candidates, for business or business related social purposes, or electronically through our telecommunications and technology systems.
3.5. The type of personal information which we collect may include;
a) If you are a Client: information that is necessary to help us manage the presentation and delivery of our Services, including but not limited to client relationship information, information about position, contracting and hiring authority, information about team structures and roles, information about incidents in the workplace, company financials and credit history checks.
b) If you are a Candidate: information that is necessary to confirm your identity, assess amenability to work offers, suitability for placements, to comply with legislation or to manage performance in work obtained through us, including but not limited to personal details such as name, address, date of birth, gender and contact information, information about personality, character, skills, qualifications and experience, information about career path and preferences, information about work entitlement and ability to undertake specific types of work, work performance information, information about incidents in the workplace, information submitted and obtained in relation to absences from work (for any reason), bank details for the purpose of making payment, criminal history records and working with children checks, health records, and pay roll information such as Tax File Number or ABN.
c) If you are a Referee: information that is necessary to help make determinations about the suitability of a Candidate for a particular role or type of role, including but not limited to information about work position, authority to give a reference and preferred contact details, opinions of the Referee regarding the Candidate’s character and work performance/environment, and facts or evidence in support of those opinions.
3.6. You acknowledge that the personal information which we collect is reasonably necessary for us to provide our Services in connection with the purposes referred to in paragraph 3.3 above, and that failure to provide complete and accurate information may prevent Elective Recruitment from providing our Services to you.
3.7. You acknowledge that we may collect personal information about you from other organisations and publicly available sources including newspapers, journals, directories, the Internet and social media sites, for the purpose of providing our Services. All such personal information will be managed in accordance with the Privacy Act and this Privacy Policy.
3.8. You acknowledge that if you provide personal information to us about a third party, you will have first taken reasonable steps to make that third party aware of the matters referred to in this Privacy Policy and you are warranting to us that you have their consent to the collection, use and disclosure of that personal information. All such personal information will be managed in accordance with the Privacy Act and this Privacy Policy.
4. Holding of Information
4.1. We hold personal information on our database, network and in our Sydney based office. Some information may also be held on portable devices such as mobile phones, laptop computers or in diaries operated by our staff members in order to perform the Services.
4.2. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will take all reasonable steps to protect your information, we cannot guarantee the security of your information transmitted to us electronically and any transmission is at your own risk.
4.3. Upon receiving your information we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that it is secure from any unauthorised access, misuse or disclosure. However we do not guarantee that your information cannot be accessed by an unauthorised person or that unauthorised disclosure will not occur.
5. Use and Disclosure of Personal Information
5.1. We use personal information held about you for the primary purpose of performing the Services.
5.2. We may also use personal information for our assessment of a Candidate’s suitability for registration, the necessary validation (including from appropriate third party sources) of a Candidate’s resume, c.v., nominated references, or stated qualifications, experience, training or abilities, a Candidate’s actual or possible work placement, a Candidate’s work appraisals, any test or assessment (including medical) that a Candidate might be required to undergo, our assessment of a Candidate’s ongoing performance and prospects, our identification of training needs, suggestions we may make for further training, any workplace rehabilitation, our management of any complaint, investigation or inquiry in which a Client or Candidate is involved, any insurance claim or proposal that requires disclosure of personal or sensitive information, any reference that we may give concerning a Candidate’s work, and to meet our statutory compliance obligations.
5.3. We may disclose personal information held about you
a) If you are a Client, to Candidates and Referees;
b) If you are a Candidate, to Clients and Referees;
c) If you are a Referee, to Clients and Candidates;
d) To such other third parties as may be required in order to provide the Services;
e) To a person seeking a reference;
f) To our insurers;
g) To a professional association or registration body that has a proper interest in the disclosure of the information;
h) To a Workers Compensation body;
i) To criminal record checking agencies;
j) To our contractors and suppliers;
k) To an attorney or next of kin whom we may contact in any case in which consent is required or notification is to be given and it is not practicable to obtain it from or give to directly to you;
l) With your prior consent;
m) If we are under a duty to disclose your personal information in order to comply with any legal obligation, or to protect the rights, property or safety of Elective Recruitment, its Clients or others; or
n) As otherwise permitted by law.
5.4. We may also use and disclose personal information held about you for secondary purposes which are related to the primary purpose of providing services to you. You acknowledge and agree that those secondary purposes may include;
a) Adding your details to our mail-out list to inform you of services which may affect or interest you; and
b) Notify you of any changes to our organisation or other news which may be relevant to your circumstances; which you may at any time decline to receive by contacting us as referred to in paragraph 12.1 below.
5.5. You acknowledge that we outsource a number of services to contracted service suppliers (“CSPS”) from time to time, including software solutions providers, IT contractors, database designers, Internet service suppliers, legal and professional advisors, background checking and screening agents, marketing suppliers and data cleansing partners. We take reasonable steps to ensure that the terms of service with our CSPs recognise that we are bound by privacy obligations and that they will not do anything that would lead to a breach of those obligations.
6. Direct Marketing
6.1. You acknowledge that we may use your personal information to provide you with current information about our services, special offers you may find of interest, or new products or services being offered by us or one of our associated companies.
6.2. By providing us with your personal information you consent to us using same to make contact with you on an ongoing basis for this purpose, including by telephone, mail, email, SMS and social media.
6.3. You may at any time decline to receive such information by contacting us as referred to in paragraph 12.1 below.
7. Cross-Border Disclosure
7.1. Some of your personal information is likely to be disclosed to overseas recipients. The likely countries, type of information disclosed and likely recipients are indicated, so far as is practicable, in the table below;
7.2. We take reasonable steps to ensure that the terms of service with our overseas recipients recognise that we are bound by privacy obligations and that they will not do anything that would lead to a breach of those obligations.
8. Electronic Transactions
8.1. You acknowledge that we collect personal information from our website www.elective.com.au and via other technology in the course of electronic transactions.
8.2. Further details about the manner in which such electronic transactions may take place can be found in our “Electronic Transactions Statement”. All personal information collected during the course of electronic transactions will be managed in accordance with the Privacy Act and this Privacy Policy.
9. Access to Personal Information
9.1. You may, at any time, request access to the personal information which we hold about you by sending an email to info@elective.com.au. We will respond to such request within a reasonable time of it being received by us, without any charge to you.
9.2. We will endeavour to provide access in the manner requested by you if it is reasonable and practicable to do so, otherwise we will take such steps as are reasonable to provide access in a way that meets both your and our needs.
9.3. We may charge you for providing access to your personal information. You will be advised of the relevant charge and asked to make payment prior to access being provided.
9.4. If we refuse your request for access on any ground permitted by law, we will give you written notice in accordance with the Privacy Act including setting out the ground/s of the refusal (except to the extent that it would be unreasonable to do so) and the mechanisms to complain about the refusal.
10. Correction of Personal Information
10.1. You may, at any time, request us to correct the personal information which we hold about you by sending an email to info@elective.com.au. We will respond to such request within a reasonable time of it being received by us, without any charge to you.
10.2. Where personal information which has previously been disclosed to another organisation in accordance with the Privacy Act and this Privacy Policy has been corrected you may, at any time, request us to notify the other organisation of the correction. We will take such steps as are reasonable to give that notification unless it is impracticable or unlawful to do so.
10.3. If we refuse your request to correct your personal information we will give you written notice in accordance with the Privacy Act including setting out the ground/s of the refusal (except to the extent that it would be unreasonable to do so) and the mechanisms to complain about the refusal.
10.4. If we refuse your request to correct your personal information, you may request that we associate with your personal information a statement that in your view the information is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading. We will take such steps as are reasonable to associate the statement with your personal information in such a way that the statement will be apparent to users of the information.
11. Changes to Privacy Policy
11.1. This Privacy Policy may be changed from time to time. All changes will be notified by posting a copy of the updated Privacy Policy on our website.
11.2. If you continue to use our website and/or Services after posting of such updated Privacy Policy, you will be deemed to have read and understood the terms of the updated Privacy Policy.
12. Questions and Complaints
12.1. If you require any further information, have any questions or wish to make a complaint you should contact Elective Recruitment;
a) By mail: L15, 1 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
b) By email: info@elective.com.au
12.2. We will respond to requests for information and/or questions within a reasonable time of such request or question being received by us.
12.3. We will take such steps as are reasonable to investigate complaints, within a reasonable time of such complaint being received by us. We will give you written notice of the investigations which have been carried out and the outcome of your complaint.
This Statement explains how we handle personal information collected from our website www.elective.com.au and by other technology in the course of electronic transactions.
It is important that you understand that there are risks associated with the use of the Internet and you should take all appropriate steps to protect your personal information. It might help you to look at the OAIC's resource on Internet Communications and other Technologies.
It is important that you:
• know your rights: read our Privacy Policy.
• be careful what information you share on the Web.
• use privacy tools on the site - control access to your search listing and profile.
• make sure your anti-virus and data protection software is up-to-date.
Please contact us at info@elective.com.au if you have concerns about making contact via the Internet.
Sometimes, we collect personal information that individuals choose to give us via online forms or by email, for example when individuals:
• ask to be on an email list such as a job notification list;
• register as a site user to access facilities on our site such as a job notification board;
• make a written online enquiry or email us through our website;
• submit a resume by email or through our website;
• use the registration form or survey, or register for events form, on the website;
• follow, interact and converse via social networking platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Social Networks and Web Searches
In order to assess your suitability for positions and to assist you to find work, we will need to collect, use and disclose personal information about you. We will conduct background checking via social network media sites, Google, regulatory and immigration sites and medical registration boards, for the purposes of assessing suitability for representation by Elective Recruitment.
Web Browsing
When you look at our website, our web hosting provider makes a record of the visit and logs (in server logs) the following information for statistical purposes:
• your server address
• your top level domain name (for example .com, .gov, .org, .au, etc)
• the pages you accessed and documents downloaded
• the previous site you visited and the type of browser being used.
Sourcing Technologies
We do not identify users or their browsing activities except, in the event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect the Internet service provider's server logs.
We do not accept responsibility for the privacy policy of any other site to which our site has a hyperlink, and it is advisable to look at the privacy policy of other sites before disclosing personal information. We use technologies such as Chrome extensions to obtain publicly available contact information for the purposes of direct marketing. Steps will be taken to verify the personal information given and give you the opportunity to opt out of receiving direct marketing.
Cookies are uniquely numbered identification numbers like tags which are placed on your browser. By themselves cookies do not identify you personally, but they may link back to a database record about you.
If you register on our site we will then link your cookie back to your personal information details. This site uses cookies to monitor usage of our website, including session level usage, to create a personal record of when you visit our website and what pages you view. Cookies are necessary to enable various activities, such as retaining and allowing you to update your registration details and work preferences, login, username and search queries on our website, but if you do not wish us to retain any information about your visit to our site you can delete the cookies in your browser and change the settings in your web browser program.
The website statistics for www.elective.com.au are generated from this usage data, as outlined above, and analytics programs such as Google Analytics are used to view and access the data.
Cloud Computing Services
In cases where we use cloud computing services we will take reasonable steps to ensure that our Cloud computing services provider’s terms of service recognise that we are bound by obligations to protect the privacy of your personal information and that they will not do anything that would cause us to breach those obligations.
Our technology systems log emails received and sent and may include voting, and read and receipt notifications to enable tracking. Our mass email technology systems also collect usage data such as receipts, bounce backs, open, open location and click-through rates and subsequent elective.com.au website actions.
When your email address is received by us because you send us a message, the email address will only be used or disclosed for the purpose for which you have provided. It may be added to a mailing list for the purposes of communicating with you information we feel you would be interested in unless you have specifically requested not to be added to any mailing lists, or you opt-out of receiving communications.
Call & Message Logs
Our telephone technology (systems and mobile phones) log telephone calls and messages received and sent and enable call number display. When your call number is received by us because you phone us or send us a message, the number will only be used or disclosed as is reasonable for the proper performance of our functions and activities as a recruitment agency.
Our cloud computing system will also log any sms messages sent to and received from your mobile phone number and will only be used or disclosed for the purpose for which you have provided it.
Teleconferences & Video Conferences
Teleconferences and video conferences may be recorded with your consent. In cases where it is proposed that they be recorded, we will tell you first the purpose for which they are to be used and retained.
We use a cloud based recruiting database to log and record recruitment operations. This recruiting database is operated on a server that allows disclosure to cross border recipients only as is reasonable for the proper performance of our functions and activities as a recruitment agency. The database will contain personal details and documentation you have provided to us and will only be used or disclosed for the purpose for which you have provided it.
Mobile Access
Our staff use laptops, tablets, phones and other portable electronic devices that allow them to access, retrieve and store your personal information. This is used for recruitment purposes and will only be used or disclosed for the purpose for which you have provided it.