No Regrets – What’s your motto?

The team at Elective Recruitment have committed to a ‘year of no fear’ in the first 12 months as a start-up! That means embracing change, seeking out new relationships and stepping outside of our comfort zone to chase our professional and personal goals. We challenge you to do the same,…

The team at Elective Recruitment have committed to a ‘year of no fear’ in the first 12 months as a start-up! That means embracing change, seeking out new relationships and stepping outside of our comfort zone to chase our professional and personal goals. We challenge you to do the same, are you up for it?!

We have all heard the tales of people at the end of their life regretting things they did not do more than those they did, and testament to this are the inspirational quotes that flood our social media accounts.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than

by the ones you did do.”

-Mark Twain

The State of the Global Workplace Gallup Report 2017 reported that only 14 percent of employees in Australia and New Zealand are engaged in their jobs and 71 percent are not engaged, with up to as much as 15 percent of us being actively disengaged. So with the fear of regret looming over us, why do so many of us stay in jobs that we are simply not engaged in?

The reasons are personal to all of us but can include financial commitments, not knowing where to start, confidence or simply fear of the unknown.

Our challenge to you is simple. Ask yourself the following questions:

1. On a scale of 1 to 10 how happy are you in your current job?

2. If you changed jobs, what’s the worst that could happen?

3. If the worst happened, could you live with the consequences?

If you are not completely satisfied with the status quo and are considering a change, looking for more time to concentrate on your side hustle, or to simply learn something new, then why not challenge yourself to momentarily get uncomfortable and change things up.

Change is difficult to sit with but a necessity for personal and professional development, and the benefits could make a world of difference.

Join us and take on the challenge! If you are not completely satisfied in your current job or wonder what else there could be, contact Elective for a no obligation conversation with our career consultants and explore your options.

Elective Recruitment

Experts in building unique and varied career pathways for medical professionals.

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